Reduce the number of meals you serve
It is only in the last 15 years that couples have started providing a rich lunch after the ceremony and a buffet towards the end of the night for guests at night.
From here you can cut the evening buffet. Most of the guests have eaten the night before your guests arrive and they ate before are still full of the three previous years!
Keep it simple
One of the best ways to reduce costs is to simplify its menu. Consider serving classic pub food like bangers and mash or fish and chips (which was good enough for Kate Winslet!). Are favorites around the world and keep their costs down.
Opt for smaller companies
By avoiding large professional catering companies, you reduce your costs of restoring the marriage. Many small restaurants or small businesses, local restaurants are able to provide food for large events, like weddings. Find a small company, you will avoid the local hefty price tag often associated with large companies.
Do it yourself
Enlist the help of his family and care for yourself. If everyone works a little you can do light work in catering. It will take some planning, but with a simple buffet menu that is easy to achieve.
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